

“Breathing…” inside living spaces

“Metropolises around the world: a clean air race?”: An aspect of modernity, air quality is a major environmental and health issue of the 21st century. Air quality is at the center of discussions at the “Breathing…” world forum on November 23 at the Cité de la Mode et du Design, Paris 13th arrondissement. Working alongside scientists and contractors to build the sustainable city of the future, the CSTB shares solutions for measuring and managing indoor air quality. These innovations contribute to improving the health of people in their homes and conserving cultural heritage.

Visit the CSTB at the “Breathing” forum
November 23, 2015, starting at 8:30 a.m.– Les Docks, Cité de la Mode et du Design, Paris 13th arrondissement.


Discover innovative solutions with the CSTB:

the fungal biodetector monitors in real time the presence of microscopic fungi and dry rot in indoor environments. The CSTB offers this innovative service to protect health and prevent damage to homes, museums, historical monuments and works of art.

Watch a video of the fungal biodetector

An indoor air quality monitoring device: Lum’Air Tube® from Cairpol. Designed by the Centre de Recherche et Innovation d'Environnement S.A and CSTB, this unit measures CO2, temperature and relative humidity. It calculates the air containment in spaces and facilitates ventilation management thanks to light-emitting diodes. Class'Air+, developed by Pyrescom in partnership with the CSTB, functions on the same principles.

Meet the experts of the CSTB: Stéphane Moularat and Rukshala Anton of the CSTB team working on biological agents and air contaminants, Health & Comfort department.

CSTB Research

This measurement is performed in accordance with the French decree on the monitoring of indoor air quality in premises open to the public.